Art House Cinema
first run filmS
Indie | Foreign | Cult | Nostalgic
Special Events

BYOV (Bring Your Own Vinyl) Night
Every Wednesdayat the Zeroday Outpost in Midtown Cinema
BYOV is simple - You bring the vinyl, we play it!
Sign ups start at 4:30 at the Zeroday Outpost bar. Simply label your record with a sticky note and pick a track or three to spin for the bar.
No records? No problem! Belly up to the bar and just open your ears to hear what your friends and neighbors bring to the (turn)table!
Pair the tunes with a local brew and a tasty hotdog from the Outpost every Wednesday night.
Every Wednesday 5:00-10:00pm
at the Zeroday Outpost Bar

The Descent
2006 | R | 99 min
A year after a severe emotional trauma, Sarah (Shauna Macdonald) goes to North Carolina to spend some time exploring caves with her friends; after descending underground, the women find strange cave paintings and evidence of an earlier expedition, then learn they are not alone: Underground predators inhabit the crevasses, and they have a taste for human flesh.